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       如洁,原名: 王跃进,号: 草境庐主人。1957年生,西安市人,祖籍河南自幼喜欢书画,数年来潜心绘事,苦心研习花鸟画,以“月季花”为创作主题而见长。现任西安市文史研究馆研究员,国家一级美术师。


       《国画档案——中国当代美术名家个案研究》王跃进月季作品集 四川美术出版社


       《新中国美术家大典》、《图说中国当代美术》 红旗出版社


       《国珍品鉴——中国书画名家作品集》、《当代实力派书画精品集》、《雅竹风清》 西泠印社出版社《新中国美术编年史》北京工艺美术出版社







       2008年作品《四时流香》参加第22届世界华人恳亲大会举办的 “陕西当代名家作品展”活动,作者被授予“世界客属文化功勋艺术家”称号




       2012年5 月拍摄《“状元坊”禅韵丹青名家访谈——王跃进》











       2019年5 月参加“天下收藏”栏目拍摄的专题《守护精神的静然与感动——著名画家如洁》。

       2019年5 月拍摄西安广播电视台《西安文艺》专题片。

       2019年9 月28日参加“锦绣中华”庆祝建国70周年纽约时代广场路透社大屏展播

       2021年4月6日《厦门大学百年校庆》,《月季花》作品“花开鹭岛百年 香透神州时代”被厦门大学收藏.



       Rujie, original name: Wang Yuejin, number: Master of

       Caojing Lu. Born in 1957, Xi 'an City, Henan Province, like painting and calligraphy since childhood, for several years, painstaking study of flower and bird painting, with

       "Chinese rose" as the theme of creation. He is currently a researcher of Xi 'an Institute of Literature and History and a national first-class artist.

       Works selected:

       Archives of Traditional Chinese Painting -- Case Study of Chinese Contemporary Artists, Wang Yuejin Yueji Collection, Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House

       People's Artist - Ru Jie, World Knowledge Publishing House

       New China Artists Canon, Illustration of Contemporary Chinese Art, Hongqi Publishing House

       Cultural Heritage: A Selection of Ancient and Modern Literary Works. China Federation of Literary and Art Publishing House

       "National Treasure Appreciation - Collection of Chinese calligraphy and painting Masters", "Contemporary strength calligraphy and painting boutique collection", "Elegant bamboo wind Qing", Xiling Yinshe Publishing House, "New China Art Chronicle", Beijing Arts and Crafts Publishing House

       Chinese Art Yearbook, Chinese Literature and History Publishing House

       "Chinese Art Collection" line bookbinding "Picturesque Rivers and Mountains", "New China Art

       World Famous Works - Such As Jie", China Contemporary Art Publishing House

       In October 2006, the author was invited to participate in the "Celebrity Online" column shot by Xinjiang Construction Corps, and filmed a special film of "Rujie Painting Rose Season" and broadcast it

       In 2008, his work "Not only fragrant peach and plum, but also in the snow and frost" won the gold medal of the 10th anniversary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's Reunification Painting Exhibition.

       In 2008, his work "Shengchun" won the gold medal in the calligraphy and painting exhibition of the Party's 17th National Congress.

       In 2008, his work "Four hours Flowing Incense" participated in the "Shaanxi Contemporary Famous Artists Exhibition" held by the 22nd World Chinese Folk Congress, and the author was awarded the title of "World Guest Cultural Meritorious Artist"

       China in 2009. Xi 'an International Painting and Calligraphy Art Fair won the silver award,

       2009 China Art and Wealth Outstanding Person of the Year Silver Award

       2012 Selected by the State Post Bureau "Harmonious Chinese Culture Master Stamp Project"

       In May 2012, "Zhuangyuan Square" Interview with Zen Yun and Danqing Famous artists -- Wang Yuejin"

       In 2013, his works were selected into the theme stamps and phone cards of "Scientific Development - Building a Beautiful China"

       In 2014, it was selected into the collection of postal albums and phone cards of "Realizing Dream China - Brilliant 65th Anniversary" and distributed nationwide

       August 2016 shooting interview "He and his" Queen ", living in this secret garden"

       On March 24, 2017, the 78th anniversary of the founding of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented the Chinese painting "Drunken Spring Garden" by Mr. Rujie, a famous contemporary Chinese painter of flowers and birds, to the Pakistani Ambassador to China Masood Khalid. Also attending the celebration were Ambassador Sha Zukang, former Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, Minister of Transport Li Xiaopeng and leaders of the General Office of the Central Military Commission.

       On April 18, 2017, the press conference of the 12th Sino-French Cultural Spring was held in Beijing. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented to the French Ambassador to China Gu Shan the Chinese painting "He Lu Ning Xiang" by Mr. Rujie, a famous Chinese painter of "rose".

       On July 28, 2017, for the celebration of the 196th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Peru, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China presented to Juan Carlos Capunay, Ambassador of Peru to China, a Chinese rose painting titled "Blooming at Four Hours" by Mr. Rujie, a famous contemporary Chinese painter. Leaders of relevant departments such as the International Department of the CPC Central Committee and the National Defense University attended the event.

       The 17th Eurasian Economic Forum "One Belt, One Road" was held at Qujiang International Convention and Exhibition Center in Xi 'an on September 21, 2017. During the meeting, the special guest Mr. Rujie, a master of culture and art, presented the Chinese rose flower "Different beauty and rich spring" to Ms. Zhang Sujiu, the daughter of the anti- Japanese General "Zhang Zizhong".

       On December 28, 2018, it was broadcasted on the NASDAQ big screen in Times Square, New York

       2018 shooting interview "Unique" wet painting "Rose - Rujie"

       In May 2019, I participated in the theme "The quiet and Moving of the Guardian Spirit - the famous painter Rujie" filmed by the "World Collection" column.

       In May 2019, the special film "Xi 'an Literature and Art" was filmed by Xi 'an Radio and Television Station.

       On September 28, 2019, participated in the Reuters big screen exhibition of "Splendid China" celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in Times Square, New York

       On April 6, 2021, "Xiamen University Centennial Celebration", "Chinese Rose" works "Flower Egret Island Centennial fragrance of Shenzhou Era" were collected by Xiamen University.

       In 2023, his works will be compiled into the General History of Chinese Art published by China Art Publishing House. In the same year, Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House published the Teaching Model of famous teachers in Chinese higher art colleges (11) Rujie Flower and Bird Painting Works.

       His works have been given to foreign heads of state and ambassadors as diplomatic gifts many times.

       In 2024, he was hired as the invited art consultant of the Impression Research and Tourism Base of Ruxiang,Qufu.